Maximize your small business with streamlined systems and supportive strategy

Let’s partner up so you can meaningfully market and grow your business.

(No jargon, BS, or “growth hacking” required.)

Managing your marketing, operations, and all of your projects can easily get overwhelming.

Knowing what to focus on as you build your business isn’t a simple question to answer on your own.

Should you get on TikTok? Run ads? Implement this email software… or that CRM… or try to DIY a pitch deck since it seems like other businesses have them so you might need one too? 

Then layer in the when and how on top of it all, and juggling all the hats you’re wearing has you feeling more like a one-person circus than a collected CEO. 

But when you trade stress for support and choose thoughtful tactics over trends, growing your business can naturally leverage what you’re already doing best. Not so bad, right? 

So if you have a vision for your business but need support to bridge the gap between here and there, you’re in the right place. As your strategist, marketer, and ally, I’m here to set you up for success by creating a plan and the systems that will help keep you on track. I’m all about helping you create your best work, engage your community, and reach your goals.


Personal, practical business-building through strategy and systems.

Together we’ll maximize what’s working and redirect what’s not

Think of me as your thought partner and sounding board who is always on your side. Together, we’ll design a plan of action to grow your business that is intentional, goal oriented, and authentic to your brand.

With support fully tailored to your needs, we can partner up for:

  • Marketing Strategy

  • Analytics Audits and Education

  • Systems Design and Implementation

  • Project and Influencer Campaign Management

  • Partnership and Sponsorship Ideation and Execution

I’ll be your trusted advisor, helping you identify what to focus on, when, and how. Then, I’ll collaborate with you and your team to execute that strategy through clear communication and processes that will serve you well into the future.

I’ve helped make business-building simple and successful for…

Take it from my clients!

Maddie Tudor Digital Marketing & Social Media Consultant

I’m Maddie Tudor, your digital marketer and small business maximizer (and also, your biggest fan).

I’m here to help you cut through the noise and focus on what works.

Across my own career in marketing, I’ve been the struggling and stressed one person team and I’ve also been the leader of a strong and cohesive marketing department. I’ve worked in offices of seven total employees and for multi-million dollar companies. Now, I bring my strategic, supportive, and no-BS approach to work for your business to help you thrive.

As Maddie Tudor Consulting, I help companies and teams of any size to reach your goals and grow your business. Because I’ve been where you are, I’m here to meet you where you are. Working together, we’ll develop a plan to amplify your success, and I’ll have your back every step of the way.

Lesson Learned: Insights From an Entrepreneur Trying To Figure It Out

I’m now demystifying marketing in newsletter form, too! Join for my thoughts on the current marketing landscape, being an entrepreneur, and any other thought that catches my fancy!